Friday, January 29, 2010
Last blogged @ 11:46 PM

was supposed to post tis ystd but i was too tired. haha. i even fell aslp with my sch uniform on. didnt manage to bathe till tis morning :O i stink! hahaha. yeah. tis happened onli becoz i took some retard's advice. LOL!

the MOST slack parade ive ever had. hardly any drills at all(: praticed a little for promotion parade. walao. ench kept suan-ing me sia-.-'' had promotion parade infront of the yr1s and 2s. OMG! haha. i finally have 2 STRIPES! WOOTS(: 3 more badges baby! HAHAHA! happyhappy!

aft parade ended. went to toilet change with LAOGONG♥, DEAR♥ and HONEY♥. then went to macs to find B1. SUPER ALOT OF PPLE down there playing b ball. then went to tm had dinner with B1 and Wong. stayed there till 10 then went home. they pei-ed me get cab leh. soo nice hor?(: feel soo bad make them go find cab with me. they had to bus back somemore lehh.

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Last blogged @ 4:40 AM

short post today. dont reli have the mood to post much. anyways. had debate during eng today. i dunno wat to say. LOL. wasnt reli paying attention. thx to stupid Captain UnderPants. yes, its azfar-.-'' stupid sia. keep irritating me. purposely sit nxt to me somemore. walao. then xiaohui keep poking me frm the back. wth la. LOL. then xiao hui keep playing with my hair. "wow. i wan to grow long hair too. then i can play with it" quoted frm xiao hui. HAHAHAHA! retarded much. watched the dont forget the lyrics comp today. Melwin, Cheryl and Chanel auditioned:) AWESOME. haha

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Last blogged @ 6:44 AM

stayed back to decorate the class boards etc. then at 4-4.30 i had to go to tm for some stuff. LOL. aft tat, i rushed back to help them decorate. not bad. today got more pple stay back to help(: Adelia, CherylG, TerrenceGOSSIPBUDDY, Chanel, CherieHONEY♥, Tian Hui, Siti, Sathia etc... while walking into sch, kena "harrassed" by Sharwin. LOL! retarded much! went back to class then kena irritated and chased arnd by AzfarCAPTAIN UNDER PANTS. HAHA! bloody hell. make me run soo much. he still carry my bag and hide in the guys' toilet. make me go in and find him somemore-.-''

having parade on fri. ironing full uni now. LOL. promotion parade i tink.

Saturday, January 23, 2010
Last blogged @ 5:43 PM

okkkk. tis was supposed to be posted ystd. but i was too tired. haha. so anyways. here it is.

aft 4 LONGLONGLONG days of leadership camp(cd), it is finally OVERRRRRRRRRRR! WOOHOO! hahaha. it was bloody tiring. but i have to say tat it was quite fun la.

day1- mainly doing drills, pumpings and stuff. then we had a "long" briefing and they told us bout the activities planned for us over the days. then we were split into diff grps to discuss bout our stuff for the presentation. yep we were onli one day to plan games etc. for the sec1s. then we had to present it to them the nxt day. it was bloody rush. my grp(sparkly bunnies) consisted of, Lucas, Joey, Nadia, Sarah and i. haha. AWESOME-EST GRP EVERRRRRR!(: we seriously took alot of efforts to plan ok!

day2- presentation. did more drills. pumpings. announcement of the winnig grp. was relireli surprised coz 2 grps were chosen. grps 2(mine(: ) and 3. HAPPY TTM!

day3- first parade for the sec1s and proceeded with the combined plan. it turned out quite well. haha. Sarah and i were the ICs for station 2! SUPERSUPER FUN. shall not elaborate much. too many stuff happened le. LOL!

day4-lasted for 7.5 hrs. fucking tiring. seriously. especially the 2hrs of pt. while doing pt, i cannot tahan then i asked sir gary if i could sit out. then Amanda and JingYi brought me to the side to rest. carinna and i felt throwing up lorh. wth. pt tiring until we wan throw up. then jared joined us. say his stomach not feeling well. aft a longlong time, i threw up. then miss teo offered to send me home. coz she said i was having a fever and i looked reli pale and stuff. but i told her nvm. so yeah. i stayed. coz got MOI and stuff ma. then if i go back then i dunno wat they learnt. the yr2s were dismissed earlier than us. yep. so anyways. all of the yr3s who attended the training ystd, have been PROMOTED TO NCOs(: WOOHOO! Sarah, CarinaLAOGONG♥, CherieHONEY♥, Rishi and Sharwin and i went to Macs to eat. gossipgossipgossip. then Shikin, Fila, Erica, Hanif and others came in. all of us sat tgt. talked alot of crap. walao. Sharwin's laughter was damn bloody retarded. hah. laugh until stomach pain

OHHOHH! then XiangYun and Edmund Chen were at macs too! some reli retarded stuff happened. shall not mention it yeah? LOL. inside joke. haha. gd one DongXuan. HAHAHA! embarrassing much!

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Last blogged @ 2:28 AM

OK. i SWEAR. i reli didnt wan to post today de. coz got alot of hw and stuff. BUT... the stuff tat happened today are just TOO FUNNY. I HAVE TO POST(: HAHAHA!

seriously bloody funny. kept laughing even aft chem. LCH damn joke! hah. he tio bully by my class. he totally didnt noe wat to do with my class la. LOL!

1-purposely greeted him damn slowly. emphasizing on the gd morning part.
2-he hit Clarence(becoz he went through the ans alrdy. but clarence's paper was blank)
3-he chased Melwin in class and tried to hit him. HAHA(coz Melwin kena complain by 3H's cher for laughing too loud xD)
4-whole class spam shout mr lim then he got pissed. LOL. "you all like my name soo much issit? keep calling mr lim?" as quoted frm him(:
5-everyone started calling him chinhuat. LMAO. bloody funny!
6-we started saying hello to everyone who walked pass our class. HAHAHA! he was damn pissed off. kept asking us to 'sshhh'. but we laughed even more. he even blamed the pple walking past(for distracting us)
7-"drying" the wet gas with tissue paper. LOL!(inside class joke)

LOADS more luh. but cant reli rmb. hahahahahaha! chem was FUN. wat a joke luh!

anyways. having CD tmrw. helping out at one station(: awesome rite?! HAHA my grp and grp3 chosen. so we have to combine our games and stuff. hope the yr 1s like it man. put in alot of effort ok!(:

Sunday, January 17, 2010
Last blogged @ 6:55 AM

taggies replied(:

Radom person: np? hahaha(:

Random person:haha. ok. npnp(: err.. who are you uh? mind leaving name?

Clare's: OMG! HAHA! walao. you uh! somemore say wan study harder blahblahblah. haiyo!

gaby: okies! haha(: TYTY

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Last blogged @ 3:51 AM

hmmm... havent been posting recently. LOL. my blog is bloody deprived of pics!! ): haha. havent been going out ma. studying almost 24/7 ok! HAHA. nth has been happening lately. currently suffering frm a serious case of PMS. haha. sry pple.

ohh yeah. the 1.5 hrs of tuition today passed by SUPERSUPER QUICKLY. must be all tat toking:) ms paulyne didnt come today so a relief cher came. saw her last wk too. she quite friendly uh. kept toking to her during class. haha. shared skittles. realised we all had a common hatred for grandma ames. LOL!

ohh ya! forgot to mention tat CD did super well for the sec1 recruitment thingy!:) haha! gd job everyone! SUPER FUN la. i terrorized loads of sec1s. hah. bet they were freaked out by me. HOHO! just found out the secret to how BB managed to recruit the sec1s. 小弟 told me. LMAO. damn bullshit sia. pple actually believed them, like OMG!

anyways. nid go study and do hw nowwwww): byebye!

Friday, January 8, 2010
Last blogged @ 5:02 AM

I MISS 2E09!!! ):

ok. just being random. hmm... didnt reli realise i missed 2E sooo much till now. toking to Squiggles on msn now. keep toking bout last yr. SUPER fun lorh. can still rmb the retarded stuff we did. hope can have reunion soon man!! miss EVERYBODY LOADS! all the noisy pple frm 2E all go diff class. now class weirdweird one. although there are still noisy pple in class now. LOL

anyways. i shall end the ranting there. dont wan to make myself more depressed yeah? hmm... given alot of hw sia. chem, physics, a-maths, chinese, ss blahblahblah... wan die le. buried in hw, OMG. stressed. haix. attended parade today. vry guai hor. aft MIA-ing for soo long. got alot of pple ask me why so long nvr go. LOL. today's parade was quite ok:) did the preparations for nxt wk's sec 1 cca selections thingy.

gonna have some NCO camp soon(or watever)-.- got soo much hw then still have camp. die le.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Last blogged @ 12:09 AM

darn it man. kena sabo by class pple to be NE Champ agn. come on la. i dont wan to be in the class committee-.-'' told the teacher to let other pple be but then she said tat i have experience blahblahblah. damnnnn... have to attend meetings and stuff ok! ohhohh. and 3J has chosen all the pple for class committee.

sports rep: cheryl goh, andy
environment champ: adelia
ne champ: me:(
innovation champ:forgot who
character development:forgot who
chair person: melwin(OMG.)

anyways. lessons just started today and we alrdy have SUPER ALOT OF HW!!! AHHHH!!! stressedstressedstressed! still in the same chinese class. LOL. LDM. kept laughing during chi. stupid ang keep laughing then make me laugh too xD

was supposed to go for class today. but didnt go in the end. decided to stay home chiong hw instead. hah. so hardworking rite? :)

okies. i reli have alot of work to do. shall not blog anymore le. byebye;D

Monday, January 4, 2010
Last blogged @ 7:23 AM

hmm... first day if sch. shall not tok bout it. simply depressing.

anyways. aft sch, EuniceDARDAR♥ went for gb then EricaDEAR♥ went home. so me and CherieHONEY♥ bused to tm to kill time. didnt wan to go home early. LOL. went to MRT station got CherieHONEY♥ her watever concession thingy. haha. then some weird stuff happened. (but i didnt noe until she told me:O) waited for Claire(CherieHONEY♥'s friend) yep. then walked to T1. Frolick-ed, then went to some 'secret hideout' to slack. LOL. quite cold down there. gossipgossipgossip. then Claire went off.

walked to tm nxt. then century to eat. was forced to treat CherieHONEY♥ some stuff. (LOL) then went to eat PPL. waited till 5 plus then AAD joined us. HAHAHA! supersuper hilarious. he NVR change at all can? still super childish:) talked alot then decided to go T1. aft tat, they pei-ed me to get a cab:)

Saturday, January 2, 2010
Last blogged @ 8:55 PM

HAHA. okies. happy bdae to me... ystd:) didnt reli do much to celebrate. much too lazy-.- hah. mostly spent my time eating. even went to cheesecake cafe for supper. SUPER AWESOME ok! ohhh.... i wanna thank everyone who wished me happy bdae:) give them some credit yeah? (and if you didnt? haha. nvm! i'll just take it tat you dont noe or you have stm)

EricaDEARR♥('inspiring sms' and song;D)
Eunice DarDar♥('long winded' yet touching sms;D)
CherieHoney♥(the personal phonecall;D)

JaceBITCH(weird card;D)

Shu Fen-Bai Chi
Alfie-Old Guy
Pei Xuan
Pei Ting
Ming You
Say Kiat

blahblahblah... and some other pple i dont noe:)
thx loads yeah? reli appreciate it!;D

hmm... anyways. sch opening in two days le. siannnnnn... havent finished hw:(

Friday, January 1, 2010
Last blogged @ 5:11 AM

watching Saw5 now while eating fruit loops:) going to be my bdae soon in a few hrs. haha.



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