Sunday, November 29, 2009
Last blogged @ 8:00 AM

gonna try smth new soon. hmmm... cant wait to see wat it's like:) hope its FUN! excitedexcitedexcited.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Last blogged @ 6:43 AM

WOOHOO! finally went out today, with EricaDEAR and ClareBEAR. SUPERSUPER FUN! watched a relireli retarded movie and did LOADS of RETARDED stuff. yeah. anyways. JaceBITCH and Darius "coincidentally" bumped into us -.-'' LOL. lots of stupid stuff happened. shall not mention. HAHA! unglam much. ohhohh. i just watched The Covenant:) the guys in the show are SUPERSUPER HOT ok?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! HOTNESS TTM!!! :) hahaha. the show's not bad. but not scary.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Last blogged @ 2:12 AM

hmm... the Bitch is pms-ing agn. lol. wat is she gonna do tis time huh? i shall wait and see wat you are gonna do nxt.

anyways. been staying at home doing nth. BORINGBORINGBORING. finally got SAW3 frm AY. hahaha :) gonna watch it later i guess... ohhh. DannyTay sent smth today. haha. i wont be soo bored at home le. wah. i seriously feel like going out but i too lazy to plan any outings. LOL. im too lazy to even leave the house man. lalalalalalalalalala

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Last blogged @ 11:32 PM

OMG!! posting results are out le! i am in class...................... 3J! ahhhh... lucky still have quite alot of 2E pple ;D haha. sad though. EricaDEARR♥ wont be in the same class. haix. EuniceDARDAR&hearts and CherieHONEY♥ are in the same class as me though.

Monday, November 16, 2009
Last blogged @ 8:10 PM

rotting at home doing nth. been playing mj at home though. hmm... too lazy to start doing any hw. haha. so i decided to change my blogskin. soo long nvr change le. ohh ya. just rmb. i onli uploaded 1/3 of the class bbq pics on fb. haha. sry. hahaha. suddenly rmb i helped JaceBITCH "smuggle" some stuff up her rm. SUPERSUPER RETARDED. you wont believe it.

yeah. so anyways. later going out to eat late lunch. then going to buy some stuff. wanna watch the rest of SAW3 badly man!! shld i download or shld i just 'ren'? haix. ohh ya. im supposed to pass some horror shows to some spastic person. hahaha. ohh well.

JaceBITCH got back her posting results today... hmm... tink she got the subjects tat she chose. haha. gd for her. will be onli getting mine back on the 20th. damn nervous now can? haix.

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Last blogged @ 3:55 AM

had the AWESOME INTER UG AMAZING RACE ystd. it was held at Sentosa, between BB, GB and CD. haha. my grp was grp5 ;D consists of: me, Yi Shin, Joey, Jia Jing, Daniel, Tian Hui etc... and our grp name is CB. LOL! cool name huh? hah. stupid la. it was just some random name tat Yi Shin came up with. FUN-NESS! had 9 stations in total i tink. haha. it was SUPERSUPER fun la. reached the tm inter at onli 9+.

watched SAW3 halfway at AY's hse. gonna finish watching it the nxt time i see her. lol. coz i forgot to take the disc back with me just now D; darn it.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Last blogged @ 6:09 AM


haha. had FUN today. most of the 2E'09 pple came today:) onli a small grp of pple didnt. err... took LOADS&LOADS of pics. will post it up soon. 2E pple: you can get the pics frm me on facebook (if im not too lazy to upload them) or i could send them to you by email. ;D woohoo! it was seriously damn awesome. damndamn sad tat we going diff class nxt yr D;

to clare: even though you might not be going same class and stuff nxt yr, YOU MUST STILL JYJY hor! must join us in sec 4 ok? ;D JYJY ClareBEARR! hahaha. you can do tis man. i believe in you.

might be posting the BBQ pics in the nxt post. wait for it patiently yeah? ;D




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