Sunday, September 20, 2009
Last blogged @ 1:15 AM

haha. sry for not posting for a longlonglong time yeah? lol. going to MIA until aft exams ba. damn stress now. got alot of stuff to study man. wan die le. nth much has been happening recently la. quite boring in sch. yupyups ;D JYJY FOR EOY PPLE!

Friday, September 4, 2009
Last blogged @ 4:24 AM

yupyup. today is the last day of sch. sad and happy. got sooo much hw i tell you. fuck. got 3 goddamn maths papers. one whole list of chi hw. science paper. 3 lit hw. WTF? i still have to go back sch for cca and other stuff can? DIE LE! surely cannot finish in time...

aiya. anyways. got back my report slip today. screwed up badly for maths. all the rest still ok ba. hmms... aft sch, went to MACS to eat with EricaDEARR♥, EuniceDARDAR♥, CherieHONEYY&hearts and JULIAN. then aft eating, EricaDEARR♥ pei-ed me go TM. the rest went home first. LOL. firstly, went to 77th street pierce my ear agn. wth. no wonder my last helix piercing got infected. coz im supposed to leave the stud there for 6 wks. but i took it out aft 1 wk. wah. tis time pierce even more painful then the last time you noe. it even bled. WTF?

SHIT LA! i still have sch on mon can. have to go back for maths and science supp ah? then my stud how? im screwed le. darn it -.-

HAHAHA! feeling HAPPYHAPPYHAPPY now... coz my DARLING BITCH has just bought guitar picks for me!!! ;D YAYs. in yr face gan ma xD wanted to buy accoustic guitar today. but then i decided not to becoz i tot of me (smallsmall girl) lugging one bigbig guitar home. although i took cab home but still... nvm. i shall wait for other pple to go buy with me. then i can make them carry for me!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!

ohhohh. i bought SHUTTER and AN AMERICAN HAUNTING just now frm century. couldnt but FINALDESTINATION2 though. the woman say its m18 -.- screw her. i alrdy watched it la. lol. nvm. i shall get my mum to buy it for me.

okok! i nid go chiong hol hw le. (and study of course) ;DD JYJY PPLE!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Last blogged @ 5:05 AM

sch today as usual. ohh! and i wan to announce smth! YEAH! me and EricaDEARR♥ broke a record today!!! AWEEESSOOMMMEEE(!) we kissed EuniceDARDAR♥ 18 times today i tink. HAHA! the old record was 8 i tink... LOL! and i got kissed by CherieHONEYY♥ twice today. ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!

hmmm... during class tat time HOUMU gave me bubblebum (watermelon flavour) LIKE EWW!! it sucks. no offence. LOL. i put it in my mouth then i gave it back to HOUMU to eat. damndamn gross i tell you. i felt like throwing up aft tat :X anyways, then kk started asking us questions bout sex -.-'' then it got quite interesting ;D so CherieHONEYY♥ and GANMA joined in the conversation. HAHAHA! we got like damn carried away.

had cme aft sch. shit. stay back for one hr to manage the other grps. then MRS SUI couldnt come into our class, so she said tat she got MR CLIVE was supposed to come in to supervise us. then aft 30 mins, he still didnt come. then me and YANBO had to walk all over the sch to hunt for him and MRS SUI. bloody hell. make us walk all over the god damn place -.- damn tired can? then cannot find? go back up to class. looked into 2b but couldnt see MRS SUI. so walked down to canteen to find. went general office, they also dunno. darn it. then in the end, we asked MS TAN to lend us her laptop. carry back to class tat time then realised tat she alrdy gave them the laptop. SCREW IT! make me walk soooo much...

okok. shall not stop complaining le. so aft sch, went to eat at macs with EuniceDARDAR♥ HYPERED alot! HAHA! ;D FUN-NESS!



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