Monday, August 31, 2009
Last blogged @ 8:53 AM

haha. had TEACHERS' DAY CELEBRATIONS today at sch. quite fun surprisingly... hall programme first. then had bout 1 hr of class party. class party was FUNN! blasted music in class. loadsandloads of snacks, drinks, etc :) then EricaDEARR♥ bought chocolate syrup frm some pple (cheryl they all...) then, we started to dip the chips in the chocolate. SUPERSUPER NICE CAN? ya. then all of a sudden, EricaDEARR♥ smeared chocolate on GANGAN's face. LOL. walao. then out of revenge he smeared chocolate on my face. -.- HAHAHA! then there was a mini "chocolate fight" all our uniforms are like damndamn dirty now. ahhhhhhh. hey but atleast it was fun... sad we didnt get to watch Final Destination 3 in class though (it was in my bag) yup. becoz we had vry little time like onli 30 mins, then no time to watch D;

I WAN WATCH THE FINAL DESTINATION 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAN WATCH!!! I WAN WATCH!!!

anyways, aft sch, slacked in canteen awhile. then decided to go watch movie with EricaDEARR♥ and EuniceDARDAR♥ while walking outside of sch, WEIRDO called. then toktok blahblahblah... they wanted to watch UP. LOL!

so in the end, i told them go settle on thier own one first. yup. then went century check wat movies they have. FINAL DESTINATION 4 WAS SCREENING DAMMIT! m18... shit. so no choice, we decided to watch BandSlam. it was okok i guess... ok maybe it was a little retarded. HAHAHA! I LOVE THE PART WHR WILL PATS THE GIRL (sounds wrong? :X) supersuper hilarious la. aft movie, bumped into CherieHONEYY♥, Chomel, Kian Kok and some other person at century. LOL! had lunch at DTF. then, aft EuniceDARDAR♥ left, me and EricaDEARR♥ bus-ed to PP. on the way, toked alotalot bout stuff. then reached le, walkwalk in borders. blahblahblah...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Last blogged @ 2:47 AM

stayed back aft sch and hypered with EuniceDARDAR♥ and CherieHONEY♥. EricaDEARR♥ went home sadly... LOL. anyways, too lazy to type out all the stuff tat happened so. yup. BYE ;D

Monday, August 24, 2009
Last blogged @ 10:49 PM

yeap. im posting frm sch now. COOLNESS 8) LOL! damndamn bored now. and all i can tink bout is the friggin' song CRAZIER( screw you ganma!!! ) i started singing it. and now its like ringing in my head over and over agn. SHIT.

anyways, shall blog a more detailed post when i get home yeah? ;DD

Last blogged @ 7:28 AM

ok. shall make tis post short and sweet ;D err... went to En Qing's condo aft lunch today with CherieHONEYY, Nigel and Kirby. yup. we were supposed to do our DEP thingy. (which i tink is due by tmrw) LOL! DAMN FUNNY! chiong like siao. wrote script, did filming, rehearserehearse, film agn... -.- at least we still managed to get it all done :) HAPPYHAPPY! oh. and great. i got back 3 fucking maths test papers today. i failed 2 ok. out of 3. like hello? im SCREWED! coz it'll be counted in the maths CT overall. SHIT! im going to fail.

anyways, THE FINAL DESTINATION 3D is coming out SOONSOON! I WAN WATCH DAMMIT! but issit nc16?? D; crap. i wan to watch it damn badly!!! ohh. and i cant wait for the hols. yupyup. 2 more wks (i tink) LOL! and i have a dilemma. hmmm... shld i go lan on mon with class pple or shld i visit my pri sch??? haix. see how first ba. HAHA!

;Plain White T's - Our Time Now

Friday, August 21, 2009
Last blogged @ 1:29 AM

ok. lazy to post recently. lol. err... OH YA! i got back my LIT CT RESULTS. quite long le actually... haha. ok. HUGE SURPRISE! i actually got 21/25... i was like WTF?! did i get someone elses' paper?! or did the teacher mark wrongly???

damndamn sleepy in sch today. LOL! coz i woke up at 6 today (SUCCESSFULLY) and i managed to reach sch before 7.30!! HAHA! wat an accomplishment :) coz i had to reach earlier to rehearse the skit for my hisory project thingy. yup. then aft tat, had to chiong down with DEARR♥ and HONEY♥ for singsperation prac. HAHA! HONEY had to sing today.

felt soo darn sleepy today during music. haha. reli screw up the music test man. haix. anyways, slept thru chapel. then aft chapel ended, supposed to go change into full uni for CD. but then i had friggin' stomach cramps. so didnt go in the end. hope tat they didnt do their foot drill silver today lorh. if not then i cant promote le DD; HOPE HONEY♥ can pass the test if she took it today :)

DARN IT! tmrw morning have maths tuition. i havent even finished up my hw yet la. i even have any? haha. i'll go and check later.

anyways, hope LAOGONG and DEAR♥ can GET WELL SOON!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Last blogged @ 4:43 AM

yupyup. today is BUBBLEGUM DAY! yes, its AWESOME! pretty cool but quite disgusting also la... :X ok! coz HOUMU brought bubblegum to sch. then he damn bastard!!! purposely give GANMA then dont wan give me. SCREW HIM MAN! sooo, i was like desperate for one so i asked GAN MA to chewchewchew alrdy then bite and give me half. LOL! yup. i ate his gum ok! damn wrong. i noe. then aft tat, i gave half to HOU MU. then he chewchewchew then give me back. aft tat, i chewchewchew somemore and gave half to GAN MA. damn wrong rite?! LOL! damn sick.

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Last blogged @ 4:50 AM

well. got gd news and bad news today. BAD NEWS is tat i fucked up my maths CT paper -.-'' WTH! damn SAD DD; haix. but anyways, the gd news is tat i actually got 31/40(77.5/100 i tink)for HISTORY which is actually a MIRACLE. coz i was like failing history last yr. so tat leaves my LIT CT paper results tat i havent gotten back yet. D; damndamn scared now.

my results for CT:
ENGLISH: 80/100
MATHS: -.-
HISTORY: 77.5/100
SCIENCE: 75/100
CHINESE: 76/100

tis is soo darn screwed up man. STUPID MATHS!!! grr...

shall not tok bout results le. anyways, went to MACS during ENG lesson today. coz we have to write some formal letter thingy- either feedback or complain letter. yup. so my whole class went there to eat. SOOOO UBER COOL ;DD like we owned the place liddat. LOL! but tat was just a short while. but watever. it was still FUN! ohh! andandand i kissed EuniceDARDAR♥ on the cheek today! LOL! soo funny. then she was like damn scared of me aft tat. (OMG! she was scared i was going to turn lesbo and start assaulting her or smth)

ohh... and HAPPY EARLY BDAE MISS HO!!! :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Last blogged @ 4:43 AM

ok. got back my eng CT results today. andand im simply ECSTATIC! woohoo! i got 32/40(80/100) YEAH! cant believe it. soooo funny. during class when Miss Ho told us tat the person who scored the highest for our class got 32. i was like walao. onli 32. then i surely fail le. not to mention tat my class has got 10 failures i tink? damn no hope le. so i was like daydreaming away. then she suddenly called my name: "Nicole Tay". i didnt even hear it at first la. then suddenly everyone turned to look at me -.-'' then Miss Ho called agn. i was like "err... me? did you say me??? are you sure?!" LOL!!! wth man. sooo unexpected! so i did ok for eng. now damn scared for maths and history. OMG! i hope i can pass :X

anyways, past few days ive been watching horror movies, like PROM NIGHT, THE EYE, APRIL FOOL'S DAY blah...blah...blah. PROM NIGHT is seriously AWESOME! but quite ironic also lorh. coz in the end, all the girl's friends die. indirectly becoz of her -.- but the movie got alotalot of suspense, no gore and not reli scary though.


ok. watching THE GRUDGE and doing hw. yes, im doing hw:)

ohh shit! my leg suddenly feels numb! NO FEELING AT ALL!!! NOOOOOO! it feels weird D;

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Last blogged @ 12:29 AM

had onli half day of sch ystd (national day celebrations and all) ;DD had some bazaar thingy at sch. it was quite boring actually. nth much to do. except eat and walk arnd... hmm... me and Dear♥ bought one bubble tea each. diff flavour. then we drank halfhalf then mixed them both tgt. not bad you noe :) anyways, aft we were dismissed, honey went with Chomel they all. then me, Dear&hearts, DarDar♥, CondomBEARR! and Eugene went to Julian's hse to watch movies! HAHA! FUN-NESS!!! we watched SILENT HILL, then FINAL DESTINATION 3. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! FINAL DESTINATION 3 WAS AWESOMEEEE!!!!! Like seriously, it was damn cool. wasnt as bad or sadistic as i tot tat it would be. but was still gd. HYPER-ED alot at Julian's hse. DAMNDAMN FUN! HAHA! im like SUPER hooked onto FINAL DESTINATION now!!! YAY!

anyways, received onli 2 of my CT results so far, SCIENCE and CHINESE:

SCIENCE: 37.5/50 (75/100)
CHINESE: 38/50 (76/100)

so shocked man. tot i would fail chinese and science ok. damn. now supersuper worried bout maths. hope i can get gd results! oh. for eng too.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Last blogged @ 3:40 AM

enough is enough...tis has got to end.



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