Monday, June 22, 2009
Last blogged @ 6:23 AM

hmm...let me summarise wat happened during the past few days yeah?

-bought a new phone? ;D (like YAY!)
-watched The Uninvited (it's NICE! SUPERLY NICE! but not scary...)
-watched The Exorcist (damndamn friggin' funny. laughed my way thru the whole film)
-been playing tennis :) damndamn fun!!!

ok...err... cant reli rmb wat else happened. haha. anyways, going out with CD pple to buy camp stuff on wed. fun-ness. cant wait!!! 8)

Monday, June 15, 2009
Last blogged @ 9:09 AM

YAY! EricaDEARR is with at my hse now. she's staying over for 3 days, 2 nites. yupyup. having movie marathon. ok... more like horror movie marathon. LOL! watched THE RING just now. now watching The Messengers. FUN-NESS. HOHO. vry bored now. im going to start multi tasking agn. maple-ing, watching the show, blogging? hahaha

Last blogged @ 12:26 AM

"will the mushrooms get lost?"

quoted frm EricaDEARR♥

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Last blogged @ 7:01 AM

haha. ok. so i have alot of free time now. decided to upload the pics ;D (ohh. and a vid, of Zi Yi♥ and Raymond. damn sweet rite?)

ohh. but the vid is wayy at the bottom hor. haha.

>>>Raymond and Zi Yi♥

>>>Zi Yi unwrapping her bdae presents ;D

>>>CarinnaLAOGONG and I!!! :)

>>>(frm left) EricaDEARR, Cheryl, Zi Yi 亲爱的, me!!!

>>>HAHA! Erica is playing hard to get xDD

>>>CarinnaLAOGONG with her camera 8)

>>>ok. i told Erica to act lady-like. so tis is attempt 1. hoho. TERRIBLE FAILURE

>>>attempt 2?

>>>me and CarinnaLAOGONG♥

>>>and argn...LOL!

>>>Zi Yi 亲爱的



>>>Zi Yi and Cheryl ;DD

>>>LOL! i noe the vid is like SUPERSUPER hort. haha.

Last blogged @ 6:29 AM

hoho! created a new blog AGN. LOL! ohh. had outing with the clique( to celebrate ZiYi亲爱的's bdae!!!), without CherieHONEYY of course D; she had church camp. soo sad. haix. anyways, had alot of fun tat day. shall elaborate more tmrw while im uploading the pics yeahh? ;D



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